
    与Vive 2024实习生一起度过夏天



    When I was told I needed to complete an internship before I could graduate with my bachelor’s degree in agriculture communications, 我不确定我想从哪里开始,也不确定我想从事农业的哪个领域. I come from a family deeply rooted in agriculture and have amassed so much passion for the industry. 我的经验主要集中在牲畜和商业上,而不是作物科学. New adventures welcome the opportunity for growth which ultimately led me to complete an internship with Vive. 


    我已经超出了我对暑期实习的期望. 在学校, 你认为你已经为在农业领域工作做好了准备, 所有的课程, 研究, 以及你投入的项目. 仍然, nothing allows you to excel more than working firsthand with the growers who keep our world fed and with a company dedicated to helping them. 

    尽管我的角色大多远离我在Loveland的家, 科罗拉多州, 我仍然觉得自己与美国和加拿大各地的种植者和Vive团队成员有联系. 我的经理, 艾米丽 Roden and the rest of the Vive team guided my fellow intern Chloe and I through the intricacies of the crop protection industry while at the same time navigating the world of social media marketing. Crafting engaging social media posts through different graphics and videos that not only aligned with Vive's brand but resonated with growers and agriculturalists all over, 是我发现自己每天早上都兴奋地从床上跳起来做的事情吗. The complexity of designing posts that promoted Vive’s mission and products was equally challenging and rewarding. Developing a three-month social media calendar and creating each post was just one of the tasks that accelerated my understanding of how to blend marketing on social platforms with products that support farmers in bringing food to the table. 


     当然, to understand a company's mission and reason behind their business it’s essential to understand who they are doing it for. Vive的使命是使用精密esball快速登入来产生真正的结果,这是真正以种植者为中心的. I had the opportunity to travel to the Red River Valley and collect three outstanding testimonials from growers dedicated to the real results they have found with Vive products. Hearing firsthand how Vive’s products have made a positive difference in their operation allowed me to grasp the importance of continuing to provide crop solutions that allow growers' operations to thrive. Sharing a laugh and a smile with Vive’s growers made me understand that marketing a product is so much more than reaching a large audience but rather connecting real growers with a company that cares about their operation and success like it’s their own.  

    确实没有其他行业像农业那样. 红河农场网络农场之旅让我更详细地了解了这一点. Getting to tour and talk to several different farming operations in the Red River Valley with other communications professionals opened my eyes even further to the importance of communication when advocating for and working with growers. Sitting in on a panel with farmers and other major agriculture companies allowed me to strategize ways that communications professionals can use tools like social media to be a voice and helping hand in the industry.  


    The passion I have for the agriculture industry in its entirety has grown exponentially throughout this intern experience. 与Vive的合作远不止是一次实习, it was an opportunity to see where my focus should be as not only a communications professional but as an advocate for agriculture. I can’t thank 艾米丽 and the rest of the Vive team enough for allowing me to be a small part of such an incredible company. My passion has grown from a spark to a full-on fire for growing as a communications professional in the agriculture industry. 我非常感谢Vive让我不仅在这个夏天加入他们 but to continue cultivating my knowledge and passion for ag a full-time member of the Vive team for the next few months. 请继续关注我的Vive之旅. 开心农场!  




    三岁时,我得到了我的第一头小牛,要在当地的县集市上展示. 虽然我是在牛肉和行作物的经营中长大的,看我哥哥姐姐的表演, 这头小牛现在是我的责任了,我爱上她了. 随着年龄的增长, this love shifted to showing beef cattle and pigs which is what I continued to show until I aged out last summer. 通过我们当地县里集市上的农业社区, I found my voice for agriculture and decided that agriculture communications was the perfect industry for me. l1lmih9d

    Vive让我有机会学到很多关于社交媒体和营销的知识, 他们的团队也很出色. 第一周之后, part of my onboarding was meeting some particularly important people who are members of the Vive team. 第二天,我要和市场部副总裁莎拉·津克共进午餐. 随着我们彼此的了解,我立刻意识到Vive将是一家很棒的公司!  

    今年夏天我最喜欢的一个项目是在威斯康辛州做的推荐. 我能够在我的家乡获得有关农业的知识. 其中一个对我来说特别新鲜的话题是土豆. I never knew potatoes were grown in Wisconsin until I got to visit Beau Hartline from Alsum Potatoes. He taught me about the 科罗拉多州 Potato Beetle pressure they face along with other pest struggles they have since a lot of bugs love the taste of potatoes. 然后我拜访了克里斯·海克尔,他是威斯康星州中部的一位玉米种植者. 我们谈到了他与雨水的斗争,而我所在的州却没有, 因此,看到一点点距离对作物结果的影响是令人大开眼界的. 在我参观完之后, I got to go back and listen to what they had to say as I edited their testimonials and learned about Adobe Premier Pro, 一个我从未用过的软件! I was able to turn their RAW testimonials into an enticing story Vive can use on their social channels, YouTube页面, 网站, 等. This was such a great learning experience for me, and I am so grateful to have had this opportunity.  


    As I go back to school at the end of August to finish my degree I plan to go full-time next May with an agricultural company, 希望从事市场营销或沟通工作! I will be able to use my new skills learned at Vive to work with videos and continue to share the stories of farmers across the world! I will also take the teamwork skills I gained from working with my fellow intern Erin McAleenan, 还有我的导师艾米丽·罗登! They were both so easy to work with and offered me such a distinct perspective on agriculture and marketing. 

    I am so thankful to have spent this summer with this amazing company and cannot wait to follow along and see Vive grow! 感谢整个团队以及这个夏天陪伴我的每一个人!